Did you know that today, March 12, is No Smoking Day? A national awareness day encouraging people who smoke to quit and take back their life.
With over 57,000 smokers in East Sussex, we know that giving up is really hard.
But there is help and support available, plus plenty of reasons that will benefit your health (and wallet) in the short and long term.
To help inspire you to start your journey to quitting, one our team has shared her personal account of stopping smoking.
Keep trying – it’s worth it
Kicking the habit is tough so don’t give up if your first, tenth or even 30th attempt is unsuccessful.
Every time you try, you are one step closer. As we mentioned earlier, our YES team member who wrote about quitting told us:
“It took me maybe a dozen attempts to stop (some of these were brief stints and some were longer) but I’ve been smoke-free for over 25 years now!”
Support to help you quit
It’s much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support.
The One You East Sussex programme is available across the county and offers free quit aids, such as nicotine patches and e-cigarettes which can help you crush your cravings.
1:1 in-person or telephone support is also available with someone who understands and wants to see you succeed.
It’s a quick win for your health
Good news! Quitting will improve your health whatever your age and no matter how long you have smoked so, it’s never too late to stop.
Did you know that…
- after just eight hours harmful carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by half
- after 48 hours your sense of taste and smell will improve
- after two to 12 weeks your circulation will have improved
- and after three to nine months your lung function will increase by up to 10 per cent
There are so many great reasons to try to stop smoking – could today be the day?
Have you heard about smoke-free beaches in East Sussex?
As of today, two East Sussex beaches have become voluntary smoke-free spaces through a partnership between the county council and Rother District Council. This will make them the first smoke-free beaches in England!
Bexhill beach, from the De La Warr pavilion to the Coronation Bandstand on East Parade, and all of Camber Sands beach have been designated smoke-free.
Beachgoers are being asked to support the voluntary initiative by choosing not to smoke on these beaches, helping to protect children and young people as well as the environment.
The environmental cost
Did you know that cigarette butts are one of the most littered items globally and take years to biodegrade? They leak chemicals including nicotine, ethyl phenol and heavy metals into the sea as they break down, damaging delicate marine ecosystems.
Last month, lots of kind local volunteers took part in a beach clean at Bexhill beach, in partnership with the Sussex Wildlife Trust. Rubbish collected included fishing poles, plastic fishing lines, glass bottles and plastic bottle tops.
We are lucky in East Sussex to have two Marine Conservation Zones which protect rare underwater chalk reefs and vulnerable blue mussel beds, as well as diverse marine life including Short-Snouted Seahorses and Cuckoo Wrasse, plus Ross Coral, sponges, sea squirts, and anemones.
Although the voluntary smoke-free beaches are only in place at Camber Sands and part of Bexhill beach, it is hoped that people will choose not to smoke when they visit any of our beautiful beaches in East Sussex. Together we can collectively protect our sea life, coastlines and, of course, each other from the harmful effects of smoking.
A final thought…
When it comes to stopping smoking, try to see it less as a mountain to climb and more as a series of small bumps to overcome.
Forget about large goals like a week or a month or a year. Take each day as it comes and remember you are worth the change.
Image credit Roz Bassford/Sussex Wildlife Trust