So, you’ve fallen out of love with work. The music has faded, the magic has gone. You’re feeling bored, stressed, frustrated or downright miserable. You are either quietly quitting or mindlessly moaning. How can you make yourself happier at work?

There are things you cannot change, but now could be the perfect moment to re-evaluate what you can do. Being proactive and making small changes, can make all the difference.

Here’s what to do when work isn’t working:

  1. Work on your personal development

One way to improve happiness at work is to reframe work as personal development.

Set your own agenda.  Put in the effort and perseverance to develop abilities and new skills.  When you encounter difficulties or failures, ask yourself: “What can I learn from this?”. This can turn daily frustrations into opportunities for progress.

  1. Create positive relationships

We are social beings and the relationships we build at work can enhance our happiness. This doesn’t just happen by accident.  Connect with your colleagues, supervisors, or team members in meaningful ways.

Not everyone will turn out to be your best friend. You can strengthen relationships through small talk, collaboration, or activities outside of work. Better relationships at work result in less stress, a greater sense of belonging and can make you feel happier at work.

  1.  Set clear goals and celebrate wins

Set small, attainable goals which help you create a sense of purpose and progress. Break down larger projects into manageable steps, and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

These celebrations can be a quick acknowledgment of a job well done, or you could reward yourself with a nice lunch or a coffee break. Regularly achieving small goals triggers the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and reinforcing positive emotions

  1. Prioritise work-life balance

Happiness at work isn’t just about what happens between 9 and 5. Implementing a good balance between work and your personal life will help.

Burnout is one of the quickest ways to sap your energy and happiness, so it’s important to set boundaries to protect your own time. Don’t check work emails after hours, make time for hobbies and self-care, and ensure you get enough sleep. When your personal life is in balance, it becomes easier to stay energised and engaged at work.

  1. Personalise your workspace

Make your workspace more inviting by personalising it with items that bring you joy or calm, such as family photos, plants, or small artworks.

A comfortable chair, good lighting, and organised desk space can also improve your overall well-being. When your workspace reflects your personality, you feel more connected and working long hours will be more pleasant.

  1. Practice gratitude

Gratitude helps you to focus on what’s going well.

Try keeping a small gratitude journal. Write down things you’re thankful for in your job, such as a supportive team member, an interesting project, or even a sunny morning on your commute.

You could also express gratitude to your colleagues. A simple “thank you” or acknowledgement of someone’s effort can strengthen relationships and create a more positive work atmosphere for everyone.

  1. Take regular breaks

Over-working can lead to fatigue and reduce your productivity. It can also make work feel like an uphill battle.

To stay happy and engaged, it’s crucial to take regular breaks to recharge. Step away from your desk for short walks, grab a coffee, or do some quick stretches. Even a five-minute break can refresh your mind and help you return to your tasks with renewed focus and energy. Studies have shown that taking breaks enhances creativity, decision-making, and job satisfaction.

  1. Seek purpose in your work

Feeling connected to a larger purpose can significantly boost happiness at work. Take a moment to reflect on why your job matters, both to you and the larger organisation or community.

If you’re struggling to find meaning, think about how your work helps customers, supports your team, or advances your company’s mission. You could also look for ways to align your work with your personal values. Purpose-driven work can transform even mundane tasks into something meaningful.

  1. Develop new skills

Monotony can be draining. To make yourself happier at work, challenge yourself by learning new skills. You can do that through formal training, online courses, or by taking on new responsibilities.

When you expand your knowledge and abilities, you make yourself more valuable to your employer and increase your own sense of accomplishment. New challenges keep your brain engaged and help prevent the sense of stagnation that often leads to unhappiness.  Ultimately, you will be better placed for a new job when you do move on.

  1. Be kind to yourself

Self-criticism can undermine your confidence and your happiness. Be kinder to yourself by recognising that everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect.

Practice self-compassion when things don’t go as planned. Avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on your own progress and celebrate your unique strengths. When you’re kinder to yourself, you’ll find it easier to stay resilient and positive, and improve your mental health even during challenging times.

Being happier at work isn’t just about achieving a dream job, it’s about making the most of the job and life you have.