Date(s) - 23/06/2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am
These funded sessions are designed to give keyworkers a space to fully relax and use mindfulness and guided visualisation as an aid for calming the mind, sparking creativity and providing emotional support and space to simply be.
Each week, after a long guided relaxation, two psychosynthesis creative visualizations will be offered based on each weeks theme.
Participants ideally will need a comfy chair or cushion. A place to sit or lie down if possible.
These can meditations can hopefully be recorded for participants to revisit.
You may want a notebook and basic drawing or writing instruments on hand.
Week 1: Connecting to the heart – The sun/ the diamond
Week 2: Working with colour mindfully – The butterfly
Week 3: Working with sound mindfully – The bell
Week 4: Calming the nervous system – The sky/ the ship
Week 5: Finding a peaceful safe place – The fountain/ the lighthouse
Week 6: Re-inhabiting the mind and body split – The flame and the arrow
Each session will end with a simple grounding meditation and brief check out.
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Password: 503549
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Meeting ID: 896 1649 1428
Password: 503549