Date(s) - 01/03/2022
All Day
Needlecraft Group: Practice your needlecraft skills and bring in your needlecraft projects. Share your knowledge and chat with like-minded people. Drop in – The first and third Tuesday of the month 10am –12pm . For more information contact
Portslade Writing Group: Is writing your ‘thing?’ join us once a month for an informal get together to read, discuss and write. First Friday of the month 10:45 am – 12:45pm. For more information contact
City Council Active for Life Healthwalk Group: Join like-minded people for a walk, starting and ending at Portslade library. Healthwalks are a great way for people of all ages and abilities to be active and improve their health. Dogs are welcome but they must be well behaved and on a lead. Find out more about Healthwalks here: Drop in – Fridays 10:15 – 11:15am. For more information contact