Date(s) - 22/06/2020
10:00 am - 5:30 pm
We would like to welcome visitors to our Flower Festival in June 2020 – 19th to 22nd in St Michael’s Church to see the extravaganza of flowers in original displays which will definitely make you say WOW!
We also have great refreshments in the marquees in the next door field where there is ample free parking. You can treat yourself to home made quiches and ploughmans of ham/cheese/sausage or mackerel all served with generous portions of salad and wash this down with our local Long Man Beer, or tea and “real” coffee, home made cakes, puddings or a cream tea.
We need to re-shingle the spire of our historic Church and this is exceedingly expensive. Please come and help us to succeed. We would love to welcome you.