Date(s) - 14/02/2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Appointments and Drop-in sessions.

A confidential, impartial and objective information and advice service concerning learning opportunities, skills and qualifications, career progression and how to access them.
Support for your personal development. Help with any additional support needs.
Mobile/internet/email services: e.g attach a file to an email.
A signposting and referral service to other agencies if we are unable to offer the information or service you require.

Email: for more information.
Mondays 10-12 at His Place, Hastings.
Tuesdays 10-12 at Robsack Community Centre, St Leonards on Sea
Wenesdays 10-12 at The Pelham, Bexhill.
Appointments can also be booked at other times on request.