Date(s) - 29/03/2021
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The menopause is a natural part of ageing, impacting all women at some point in their lives. However, it is still regarded as a taboo subject and something that people shy away from talking about.
To raise awareness about this important issue we will be hosting a workshop with Women’s Health Coach, Rebecca Haroutunian, and Nutritionist, Josephine Cobb. Both specialise in supporting women through the peri-menopause, the 4-10 year run up to the menopause, as well as women who are post-menopausal.
The more we talk about the menopause, the more we are aware of the symptoms, the more we normalise it, and the better equipped we are to manage menopause for ourselves, our friends, family and work colleagues.
The talk will provide clear, informative, supportive guidance and advice around nutrition and exercise, particularly to support muscle, bone and pelvic floor health, energy levels and stress management. There’s also an opportunity to ask questions.
Visit Core Connection and Josephine’s website for more information about Rebecca and Josephine.
BNHC is a registered charity, now in it’s 40th year. These free talks are part of our community programme, along with weekly low-cost or by donation classes and a number of outreach projects in Brighton & Hove. The talk is offered completely free, but if you would like to make a donation you can do so.
Booking information