Date(s) - 19/11/2020
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Leading the Seminar will be the Stop Loan Sharks Team’s specialist Credit Union Liaise Officer, Sean Lynch. Find out about all things credit union – ask anything you’ve ever wondered about the CU sector.
Before joining the Stop Loan Sharks team Sean worked at Citysave Credit Union, based in Birmingham which had roughly 7,500 members and savings deposits of over £7 Million. For the last 3 years of his time there, he managed the Credit Union and looked after day to day operations, lending, marketing and website content as well as contributing to the governance as well as all policies approved by the board.
Lin Fisher, (Lead In Awareness Intelligence, Support and Education for Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, East & West Sussex, Dorset, Somerset and the Isle Of Wight with the Stop Loan Sharks Team) will be contributing with her experience of working with local Credit Unions.
20th Oct – 10:30
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5th November – 10:30
Booking information
19th Nov – 10:30
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1st Dec – 10:30
Booking information