Date(s) - 02/01/2022
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Have fun (re-)discovering Hastings, spotting things you’ve never noticed before, with two quirky treasure hunt style heritage walks – a safe, fun and affordable way to get some fresh air with your household, whilst staying close to home.
Curious About Hastings visits not just the obvious places, but some unusual ones too, with hidden treasures to discover. Suitable for all ages, the walks take 1-2 hours each and are wheelchair and buggy friendly. Each 16 page booklet contains two walks, a brief history of Hastings, a detailed map with two walking routes marked on, and a series of directions and clues (Hints as to where to find the answer, and the answers can be found towards the end of the booklet). You’ll also find ideas for things to see on the way, pictures to identify & some interesting snippets about the people & events that have shaped Hastings.
Visit The Curious About Hastings Website then buy in printed booklet format (we post to you) or instant download format (you print at home, or download to your mobile (devices), then explore with your household.