Date(s) - 05/11/2021
All Day
Canvas Castles.
‘Canvas Castles’ is a multi-sensory, interactive film with Makaton signing that will guide you through one of the most extravagant glamping experiences in history.
The film is packed full of fun activities to help explore Tudor history in an accessible way. An accompanying Advance Pack will enhance the experience for a wide range of abilities. ‘Canvas Castles’ will also be supported by free online resources via You Tube.
King Henry VIII invites you to the greatest festival of all time so don’t forget your finest clothes, jewellery and tents (homemade forts are best)! Join in as we sail across the Channel to France, taste delicious food at a royal feast, learn some Tudor dance moves and much, much more. With kind permission from The Royal Collection the film uses the portrait, The Field of Cloth of Gold, as a backdrop to explore life in the 16th century.
Available from 27th August.
Buy NOW on a handy USB stick at the introductory price of £10 (includes PP & an advance pack) – to be despatched on 27th August
If you wish to purchase this film with Captions and/or BSL translation please contact us as these options will be available shortly –