Today (2 March 2023) is World Book Day and, here at YES Headquarters, we’re asking why kids get to have all the fun? That’s why we reached out across East Sussex County Council and asked staff what their favourite book was as a kid. After much reminiscing, here’s what they had to say!

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Montgomery

Amy said: “I read them again every now and again – amusing, sometimes emotional, simple stories with topical themes of love and friendship that are relative even today.”

Fancy checking out Anne of Green Gables?

Read the book online here

Reserve the paper copy here


Charlotte’s Web by Elwyn Brooks

Paula said: “Such was the impact of Charlotte’s Web, I named my daughter Charlotte as it had always been my most fave name. My daughter doesn’t know she was named after a spider!”

Listen to the audio book here

Reserve the paper copy here


Alfie gets in first by Shirley Hughes

Laura said: “Anything by Shirley Hughes – her illustrations are so cosy and evocative, and the stories really tap into the everyday ‘small things’ which you focus on as a child. Reading her books now to my own children is a joy and the closest thing I can liken it to is ‘a hug from a book’.”

Reserve the paper copy here


Revolting rhymes by Roald Dahl

Marrah said: “[They are] classic fairy tales with a morbid twist! Would recommend it to any adults who haven’t yet read it.”

Reserve the paper copy here


A Book of Milliganimals by Spike Milligan

Annabelle: “Brilliant illustrations, silly poems, and the fabulous story of ‘The Bald Twit Lion’ all in one book.”

Unfortunately ESCC Libraries don’t currently have a copy of ‘A Book of Milliganimals’ but there are other Spike Milligan books you can reserve here.


Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl

James: “Roald Dahl’s Danny Champion of the World was one of my childhood favourites – purely because some of the things he got up to with his dad were so written in such a way to set the imagination on fire!”

Reserve the paper copy here


If all this book talk has made you want to read, head over to the library service catalogue. There you can reserve physical copies, listen to audiobooks and read ebooks online.

Interested in more book content? Every month we publish Get in Our Good Books where library staff share their top books!