Put your knowledge of East Sussex history and culture with The Keep’s Quarantine Quiz!
The Keep, based in Falmer, is the county’s archive centre. There is a wonderful range of material in the archive, and it’s is currently partially open to visitors via a booking system.
During the lockdown earlier this year, The Keep was closed to the public. Looking for ways to engage remotely with residents, their archivists devised a series of quizzes inspired by the collections in their care. So, if you missed it first time around, now is your chance to give the East Sussex Quarantine Quiz a go!
For example, do you know…
- Which Sussex farm had ‘something nasty in the woodshed’?
- Who discovered a dinosaur in a Sussex quarry?
- Where and when did the deadliest avalanche in Britain take place?
- Which lady had a house named after her, but never visited?
- The detail from the engraving shown below illustrates the aftermath of a shipwreck off Beachy Head in 1747. What was the name of the ship?

Engraving from The Keep’s archives of the shipwreck at Beachy Head on 29 Nov 1747, catalogue reference ACC 11531
Take on these questions, or just learn a bit more about East Sussex, in the quizzes now!
There are six rounds, just visit the links below – you’ll find the answers at the bottom of each page.
Good luck!
Take the Quarantine Quiz
Round One: East Sussex Fiction
Round Two: Notable East Sussex Women
Round Three: Notable East Sussex Men
Round Four: Birds and Other Creatures
Round Five: Death and Disaster
Round Six: Picture Round!
For more information about the archive centre, including current opening hours, please visit The Keep.
The Keep is home to the local history collections from the Royal Pavilion and Brighton & Hove Museums, the Special Collections held by the University of Sussex, and East Sussex Record Office, which charts the rich history of the whole county.