A lot of people have become familiar with online video calls during lockdown. It has taken a lot of getting used to but has meant we can keep in touch with family and friends. It has also proved very helpful for those working in care who haven’t been able to have face to face visits due to social distancing.

Respite care via video call

Shirley, a volunteer at the Association of Carers, has spoken about her experience of using Facetime to keep in touch with the couple she regularly supports:

“Before lockdown my respite visit to K & R was on Thursday mornings so when it started, we decided on continuing to meet using FaceTime. It would not be possible to talk to K over the phone as his conversational skills are not very good, and a 3-way telephone call would certainly be very difficult.

“It is lovely to see K smile when we start the meeting, and it is very comforting that he recognises me. After about 10 minutes he is fast asleep so that gives R a chance to have a chat. K has deteriorated quite a lot over the last few weeks, and I am very grateful that I have been able to continue the relationship via FaceTime. I’m fairly sure it would be difficult to rebuild it when lockdown is over if we hadn’t been able to keep in touch in this way and it gives us all something to look forward to.

“The main advantage of video conferencing is that it makes it possible to have contact with the cared for person as well as the carer. It has also enabled me to spot the signs of stress in R that I think I would have missed if we only spoke on the telephone. It has been a very positive experience, though I can’t wait to get back to normal respite visits!”

Read the full story online at: bit.ly/AWF2020-ACShirley